Are You Ready To Break Ground?

What's In Breaking Ground?


    2. Prerequisite: Pre-Con

    3. Module 1: Building Culture

    4. Module 2: Brand Establishment

    5. Module 3: Team Building

    6. Module 4: Professional Development

    7. Module 5: Community Impact

    8. Module 6: Final Grade

    1. Pre-Con

    2. Welcome to Breaking Ground

    3. Pillar 1- Brand Establishment

    4. Pillar 2- Team Building

    5. Pillar 3- Professional Development

    6. Pillar 4- Community Impact

    1. Building Culture Live Session

    2. PD Video

    3. Building Culture Live Session RECORDING

    4. Sign Up for 1:1 Coaching Session #1

    5. Culture Snapshot - Owner/Lead Intake

    6. Customize QR Poster & Distribute Culture Snapshot

    7. The Data Doesn't Lie, an Interview with Cal Beyer

    8. Worker Well-Being Article & Reflection

    9. PCI Assessment

    10. Culture Snapshot Reflection

    11. 1:1 Coaching Session Reflection #1

    12. Setting a PD Date

    13. 1:1 Coaching Session #1

    1. Vortex Video & Reflection

    2. PushySix Video

    3. Brand Establishment Live Session

    4. Brand Establishment Live Session RECORDING

    5. Brand Establishment Audit

    1. Part 1- Team Building Live Session

    2. Part 1- Team Building Live Session RECORDING

    1. Part 2- Team Building Live Session

    2. Part 2- Team Building Live Session RECORDING


  • Culture Academy's foundational course that will teach you how to implement The Repurposed Educator's four pillar framework in your company!

Invest In Your People

in ways that help them feel valued, appreciated, as well as in ways that help them grow both personally and professionally.