What To Expect

Get personalized guidance from The Repurposed Educator team to enhance your company culture

Solve work culture dilemmas with expert insights

Continue investing in your biggest asset...your people

Tailored coaching to address your specific needs and challenges

Meet Your Coaching Team

Kayti Bjorklund-Strandlund, Ry Bostrom, & Erica Daher

Certified Cognitive Coaches

Kayti, Ry, and Erica love the connections made with like-minded business owners through Culture Academy and want nothing more than to continue to guide Culture Academy students towards improving work culture at their company.

Need Help Booking Your Coaching Session?

Check out "How to: Book a 1:1 Coaching Session" for a quick tutorial on how to book your coaching session! Just copy & paste the link below in a new tab: https://www.loom.com/share/2129e780f14b4e77b5ddc9554494dab1?sid=db728a0e-1146-4e8e-9efd-8bf5663f2381                                     Need further help? Please email us at [email protected]